This year’s month of February, which is now behind us, will in the future be sadly marked in history because of the horrible earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, killing more than 50,000 people and leaving millions homeless. Also, this month is marked with the continuing tragic war in Ukraine which took off in February last year.
To which extent our lines of business may be affected by these and/or other major tragedies or geopolitical shifts is hard to say.
In any case, the issue of this newsletter for February includes the following articles:
New Chinese regulations for wireless/radio equipment
The Chinese Ministry of Industry & Information Technology (MIIT) drafted in 2020 new "Regulations on the Administration of Radio Transmission Equipment" which proposed changes to the 2016-version.
Recognized as telecom certification body for Korea
On 16 February, Nemko Canada in Ottawa hosted representatives from the Korean telecom authorityRRAtogether with the relevant Canadian authoritiesISEDandSCCas well as representatives from Nemko Korea, to participate in final meetings for Nemko North America to be recognized as a certification body for Korea.
Scope of Saudi Notification expanded to European made products
In last year’s September-issue of this newsletter it was informed about the scope of the official Notification (recognition) of Nemko by the Saudi authorities for certification of imported products being expanded to include 15 new Saudi Technical Regulations for products imported from countries/regions in Asia and Australia.
“Now, the scope of this Notification has been expanded to cover also products from Europe”
The US ban on approval of certain Chinese equipment become permanent
The issue of this newsletter for January included an article about the Report and Order 22-84 as released by the US Federal Communication Commission (FCC) with an “Interim Freeze Order”, to prevent certain named major Chinese entities (or their subsidiaries or affiliates) from getting approval of their telecommunications and/or video surveillance equipment for marketing in USA.
The IECEE website, i.e. the digital 'home’ of the successful international CB Scheme, has been through a quite extensive renewal process, partly for the purpose of alignment with the current IEC design style and partly in order to offer a more streamlined look/feel and easier navigation. The new website went live on 16 February.
Receive invitations to Nemko webinars on current compliance matters The webinars will be conducted in English, and one will be able to access the recordings afterwards, for own use and sharing with others. Pleaseregister here.
Hopefully, you are finding these topics to be of interest.